
Climate Compass for Municipalities: a climate neutrality mission for municipalities - ccm2040

Project description:


The CCM2040 project supports municipalities towards climate neutrality through interdisciplinary collaboration. The main output is a climate compass, which helps municipalities to find a concrete path towards climate neutrality focusing on the collection in the three municipalities: energy, CO2, supply and disposal of materials in the residential, tertiary, industrial and tourism sectors.

- Development of energy scenarios and discussion with stakeholders and communities on energy, waste and water resources and promoting environmental responsibility.

- Promotion and capitalisation of results, by sharing BP, organising cross-border events, implementing pilot projects and monitoring sustainable energy and its practical application, with a participatory and coordinated cross-border approach.


-       Lead Partner  Consorzio di Promozione Turistica del Tarvisiano, di Sella Nevea e passo Pramollo

-       PP1 Oekoinstitut Suedtirol Alto Adige

-       PP2 Università degli Studi di Udine – Dipartimento di Lingue e Letterature, comunicazione, formazione e società DILL

-       PP3 Comune di Tarvisio

-       PP4 FH Kaernten – gemeinnuetzige Gesellschaft mbH

-       PP5 Ingenieurbuero Griehammer


Role Name EU FOUNDS (FESR) National co-financing Own resources Total costs
Lead Partner Consorzio di Promozione Turistica del Tarvisiano, di Sella Nevea e passo Pramollo 135.304.40 € 33.826,10 € 9.000,00 € 178.130,50 €
PP1 Oekoinstitut Suedtirol Alto Adige 103.915,20 â‚¬ 25.978,80 € 8.788,50 € 138.682,50 â‚¬
PP2 Università degli Studi di Udine – Dipartimento di Lingue e Letterature, comunicazione, formazione e società DILL 110,284,00 € 27.571,00 € 0,00 € 137.855,00 â‚¬
PP3 Comune di Tarvisio 71.741,80 € 17.935,45 € 0,00 € 89.677,25 €
PP4 FH Kaernten – gemeinnuetzige Gesellschaft mbH 102.906,00 € 0,00 € 25.726,50 € 128.632,50 €
PP5 Ingenieurbuero Griehammer 132.703,20 € 0,00 € 33.175,80 € 165.879,00 €
    656.854,60 â‚¬ 105.311,35 € 76.690,80 â‚¬ 838.856,75 â‚¬


838.856,75 € di cui 656.854,60 € EU FOUNDS (FESR)

Point of arrival

The Tarvisio tourist destination is located in Friuli Venezia Giulia, on the border with Austria and Slovenia

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