The Tarvisio area transforms in summer into a real open-air gym in which to try your hand at exciting sports activities: hiking, golf, Nordic walking, free climbing, MTB, dog trekking, rafting are just some of the sports that can be practiced in this enchanting place that can meet all expectations.
Thanks to the work done on herself and the experience gained with the Yang horse and several other horses, Michela Battistutti, Counselor and Natural Equestrian Guide, succeeds in acting as a link between The Human Being and the animal, giving concrete help
to the person who intends to realize an improvement, especially emotional, in his or her life.
Michela proposes an activity of approaching a herd of free horses aimed at personal introspection and observation of one's own emotions.
The activity is suitable for people of all ages.
Conosciuta come la più grande al mondo, alla Casa delle farfalle di Bordano puoi ammirare alcune delle specie di farfalle più rare e addentrarti completamente nella loro vita e nei loro infiniti colori.
Tre sono le serre che compongono la struttura, che si differenziano per i diversi ecosistemi: la giungla africana, le foreste pluviali asiatiche e australiane e l’Amazzonia.
La casa delle farfalle ha strutturato due mostre che introducono e approfondiscono il mondo delle farfalle e delle falene. Inoltre, organizza una serie di eventi alla scoperta della natura diurna e notturna, tra cui “Pollination”, attività molto interessante per tutte le fasce d’età ma soprattutto per i più piccoli!
Per maggiori informazioni:
Casa delle farfalle
Via Canada 5, Bordano (UD)
telefono: +393442345406
mail: info@bordanofarfalle.it
The school is an amateur sports association recognized by CONI and the Italian Culture and Sport Association, and directed by Ararad and Monica Khatchikian, the only "mushers" (sled drivers) to have participated in the world's most exciting races such as the Iditarod and Yukon Quest of 1800 km in Alaska and Canada and the Alpirod and Transitaliana of 900 km in Europe.
It has 40 festive sled dogs that become enthusiastic friends during guided "dog trekking" excursions along trails in the enchanted scenery of the Tarvisian Forest and Fusine Plain.
The activity lasts about 1:30 h and consists of: theoretical explanation, preparation, tour of the Center, hiking in the company of a dog secured by means of a special harness.
The rail bobsleigh offers an 880-meter long course with 665 downhill, 215 uphill and a 73-meter elevation gain.
The track includes a series of curves with different slopes and radii, a loop (closed loop with 360-degree turns), and a series of woops and bumps to make even the straight sections adrenaline-pumping.
The downhill loop has no less than 11% inclination at each point, which allows gravity travel of vehicles. However, the speed can be adjusted by the driver himself, dosing the brake action with the appropriate levers as he chooses.
The Sella Nevea Adventure Park is an amusement park for all nature lovers, immersed entirely in the forest and caters to a very wide range of customers: from 3 to 90 years old, for families, sportsmen and children, regardless of the degree of physical fitness. Particularly for those who want to experience an adventure in the woods with a simple and fulfilling physical activity.
It consists of five acrobatic courses, of increasing difficulty, in which the user must move between trees on which are placed platforms areas at varying heights, through various equipment walkways, ropes, Tibetan bridges, pulleys, lianas and suspension bridges, in total safety, emulating the exploits of Tarzan, Indiana Jones, 007.
FOREST bathing
Activities for listening and self-awareness in relation to the surrounding natural environment and its elements.
The experience is guided through games and activities involving all the senses or just some of them, under the banner of anti-stress relaxation, psycho-physical regeneration, recovery of the natural rhythm and fun.
The forest area where the forest bath is proposed is part of the certified forest therapy station of Fusine in Val Romana (among the first certified in Italy).
Alone or in the company of an instructor, paragliding is one of the most spectacular ways to discover an area, and in the Tarvisio area you can do it both in summer and winter!
The summit of Mount Lussari lends itself perfectly to the activity of flying, and you can practice all disciplines of paragliding, except speedfly. You can take off in winds from all directions, except southeast.
The northern takeoffs (the two ski slopes) are also suitable for beginner pilots while those from the summit (east and south directions), are more suitable for experienced pilots.
There are two official landing sites, both of medium difficulty: Camporosso (gondola) and Valbruna.
During the winter period, takeoff is allowed only from the summit (near the cross). Depending on snow conditions, it is feasible to make the ascent on skis or on foot. Takeoffs can be reached comfortably by gondola or, for Hike&Fly enthusiasts, also on foot.
For more info on ski lifts:
For in-depth weather reports:
For more info and to book your tandem flight:
Gino Kaidisch
-tel: +39 347 646 1896
volo in tandem sul gemonese
Volo Libero Friuli ti dà la possibilità di vivere in totale relax la magia dei territori gemonesi da un’altra prospettiva.
Con il volo turistico tandem/biposto hai l’occasione di sorvolare sui tratti più montani della regione godendo, durante tutto l’uscita, anche della vista mozzafiato sul fiume Tagliamento e sul mare!
Gli istruttori ti accompagnano lungo tutta l’attività: dalla navetta, che ti permette di raggiungere la cima del monte Cuarnan o San Simeone, al decollo, all’atterraggio nei pressi di Gemona o Bordano.
È assolutamente un’esperienza da scegliere per esplorare dall’alto l’area delle Prealpi Giulie e assaporare il gusto della libertà!
Scopri di più qui:
Via Pralungo 9/2, Gemona del Friuli (UD)
Telefono: +393479280670
mail: info@vololiberofriuli.it
Alpine Action was born from the passion for water sports of its founders and the desire to transfer it to as many people as possible. It is renewed from year to year to present itself in an ever more current educational and touristic guise.
It is based in the heart of the Julian Alps, in Tronvo, a few kilometers from the Italian border at Passo Predil, on the Sŏca River. The team, composed of professionals with years of experience on waterways around the world, united by a desire to have fun and a passion for the river will accompany you in the practice of the following water sports:
- Raft: an inflatable boat designed for use on the river capable of carrying up to 8 people. Stable and sturdy, it is ideal for those with no experience
- Kayaking: started as a means of transportation for the Inuit and has become one of the most popular river sports in the world
- Bellyak: brand new river activity, for everyone, somewhere between a kayak and a surfboard is used lying down, kneeling or sitting and maneuvered using special webbed gloves
- Hydrospeed: lying on the water with our floating bobsleigh you will be ready to tackle all the most beautiful trails in the Sŏca
- Canyoning: you will descend narrow gorges carved into the limestone by the flow of water, leaping over small drops and waterfalls and plunging into pools of crystal-clear water
in barca a vela sul lago di Cavazzo
L’associazione Nautilago ti permette di vivere un’esperienza rilassante lungo le acque cristalline del lago di Cavazzo. L’attività in barca a vela unisce perfettamente sport e svago e permette di trascorrere una serie di giornate nella natura lacustre.
Le uscite sono rivolte a tutti, senza limiti di età e livello, l’unica qualità richiesta è quella di saper nuotare.
Gli esperti skipper ti fanno vivere un’esperienza guidata e completa, insegnandoti a condurre una barca a vela autonomamente.
Scopri di più qui:
via Tolmezzo 58, Trasaghis (UD)
telefono: 0432-979288
mail: info@nautilago.com
Alpin Action nasce dalla passione per gli sport acquatici dei suoi fondatori e dal desiderio di trasferirla a quante più persone possibile. Si rinnova di anno in anno per presentarsi in una veste sempre più attuale dal punto di vista didattico e turistico.
La sede si trova nel cuore delle Alpi Giulie, a Trnovo ob Sŏci, a pochi chilometri dal confine italiano al Passo Predil, sul fiume Sŏca. Il team, composto da professionisti con una vasta esperienza sui corsi d'acqua provenienti da tutto il mondo, uniti dalla voglia di divertimento e dalla passione per il fiume, vi accompagnerà nella pratica dei seguenti sport acquatici:
- Rafting: Un gommone progettato per l'uso sui fiumi e in grado di trasportare fino a 8 persone. Stabile e robusto, ideale per gli inesperti
- Kayak: nato come mezzo di trasporto per il popolo Inuit, è diventato uno degli sport fluviali più popolari al mondo
- Bellyak: nuovissima attività fluviale per tutti, a metà tra kayak e tavola da surf, da usare sdraiati, in ginocchio o seduti e manovrata con gli appositi guanti da nuoto
- Hydrospeed: sdraiati sull'acqua con il nostro bob galleggiante, sei pronto per affrontare le piste più belle di Sŏca
- Canyoning: si scende attraverso strette gole scavate nel calcare dalla corrente dell'acqua, si superano con un salto piccoli pendii e cascatelle e ci si tuffa in pozze di acqua cristallina